Monday, 25 October 2010

Honey Show

Okay - so this post is late, but Autumn is the season of plenty and I have been so busy harvesting the garden, mainly apples, that I have not got around to an update.

At the beginning of October we had our very successful Honey Show, in which I entered 3 items for the apiary and another 4 for myself, as well as been an assistant steward to Anne. So phew it was a busy evening. It was not especially easy as we were late (well later than I would like) getting into the hall as there were people in there stretching themselves in funny angles, I think they call it YOGO, but I have yet to be educated, it just looked painful so I did not watch!

Dave Marsden was our Honey Judge this year, and complete with his white coat looked the part...I could not tell at first if he was being very serious or just having fun, when he kept saying the the stewards would have disqualified all of the entries for one reason or another before he would even have to judge them in a bigger honey show.  Luckily we only do it for fun.

It was as normal Open Judging so he talked us through his decision been it good bad, or just picking at random according to what he liked. The Honey judging is particular interesting, with the emphasis on things like Clean Jar, Clean Lid,  no bits in the honey, no crystals in the honey, no bits on top etc.... oh yes and finally the top three get tasted, so it seems taste is not very important and presantation is everything... but I never worry It the taking part that matters well that is what I try and tell myself, but some how I am always disappointed by something.

However it was the first time that I have had a go at entering into "A frame suitable for extraction" and as I spent about 2 hours before the show making the stand, you know last minute is always best. It was particular satisfying to win first prize for the apiary.

A great evening of fun was had by all, and now we have year to forget all we learnt.