With three sessions already taken place down at the apiary there has been much activity - but so much more to do some highlights.
- First splits on a by splitting a double brood into two boxes because of several well formed queens cells on 15/04
- Bailey comb change started on another strong colony 15/04
- one colony has a queen cell capped and ready to hatch - suspect supersedure the queen is not the best 15/04
- one colony sold 07/04
- Many supers added 07/04 & 15/04
- Two samples taken to test for nosema in the weaker hive 15/04 (test to do)
- Some strange manipulation on another double hive to enable us to get rid of some old brood comb - yet to get the full tale. 15/04
- New clean box give to one hive 10/04 - many more to do.