Monday, 12 April 2010

clubhouse opening and first practical session

Here is a video of val's speech at the opening of the clubhouse, where we had a large cake with bee design on it and lots of bubble, I thought I had a photo but as with all modern technology never seems to work. The cake tasted wonderful and many hours was spent in the clubhouse christening the facilities and drinking beer etc.


Yesterday the first practical session of the BEEKEEPERS OF 2010 took place, I think 31 trainees turned up with 10 teachers. I took three people out to hive 7, where we found the queen, saw the eggs, larva and brood, a lovely if some what small and weak hive. Hive 5, which was missed last Thursday, I am informed is doing well and looks like an average colony. The other hive which was missed it hive 4, this we thought initially may no longer have a queen as there were only a few bees, but inspection told us there is a viable queen; so as they were weak we found a marked queen and watched her into a nice clean nuc box.

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